Saturday, August 16, 2008

Viennese Waltz

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Welcome to my blog!

I've never had a blog before, so you may have to bear with me. This is a new adventure... much like learning the Viennese Waltz. Let me be the first to say, I'm amazed if you're actually reading this!

I'm so excited to participate in the "Dare to Dance" fundraiser. It's even more fun than I imagined. It's been about three years since I danced in college, and I didn't realize how much I miss just moving! It's hard to find free time to do anything when you work in news.

So far, I've had four rehearsals with Dean Botting, my dance instructor. I'm finding that some of my ballet training helps, but it makes it harder in some ways, too. There are a lot of "ballerina" habits I picked up over the years that I need to break in order to be a good ballroom dancer. I just hope I get the steps down good enough that I can enjoy the performance night.

Most people know by now that my fiance (Keith) and I are going head to head for this competition. He's really into it... which makes me want to beat him even more!! All joking aside, he's being very sweet about learning how to dance for our wedding in April. He says "Dare to Dance" will be good practice. Last week, the house grew very quiet, and out of nowhere he told me how excited he is to practice his dance with me. I told him I was excited, too, but between you and me, I may limit those practice sessions. I don't want him to be too good!

If you're reading this, please go make a donation to the Kidney foundation! (It doesn't have to be for me...although that'd be great!) Also, please come watch our performance. You have to see Councilman Rico do the Hustle! He's awesome!!!

I guess that's about it for now. I have three rehearsals next week, starting Tuesday night. I'll try to update more then!!

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